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Commerce and Conversions

The key to achieving conversion rate optimisation (CRO) lies in a platform that not only impresses buyers but also enhances brand appeal. This is why over 9,000 global brands have invested in a cutting-edge solution tailored for B2C organisations, offering a huge variety of features designed to improve conversions.

Effortlessly navigate the saturated e-commerce market by providing a hassle-free checkout experience, utilising order workflows and streamlined payment and shipment gateways. Optimise your approach with approval workflows, efficiently managing roles and permissions for precision in task completion. Make the most of real-time behavioural data for targeted personalisation at scale, ensuring engaging and relevant experiences.

From agile search and navigation to strategic promotional campaigns, this platform empowers organisations to enhance user satisfaction and drive sales. Manage the entire order lifecycle seamlessly, build visually appealing product catalogues, and create and target personalised content for dynamic audience segments. Businesses can now get the perfect balance between global presence and local relevance with localisation and multisite management, ensuring unique experiences for diverse demographics. Boost your conversion rate optimisation strategy with Optimizely Customized Commerce combining innovation with efficiency.

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